Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making the Cut for My Desert Island Roster

Reading Entertainment Weekly is one of my guilty pleasures. It goes well with my other guilt pleasure, movie theater popcorn. I read in a recent issue that there is talk of making a movie version of Gilligan's Island. This got me thinking about who I would want to be stranded with on a desert island. In keeping with the Gilligan's Island theme, there would be seven us (and I'm probably Mary Ann).

Now seven is a problematic number because I'm supposed to it goes without saying that I would want my family with me. Rob, Ian, Abby, and my mom, dad, and sister. That's my six right there. For the sake of a more interesting post, let's just say I couldn't have my whole family with me. Who would make the cut?
  • We can leave my sister out because anyone who knows us knows that we wouldn't last 24 hours together on a deserted island. This is the girl who takes a nap when I'm having a personal crisis that requires assistance (but that's a subject for another time).
  • While I'd love to have my mom along for moral support and oodles of love, I'm not sure she'd last too long on a desert island since she hates bugs and anything that crawls, scurries, or slithers around. 
  • The kids should alternate visits since they'd probably try to kill each other in the first couple days and we'd expend way too much energy keeping them from beating one another.
  • From a practicality standpoint, Rob should be left out of the mix because he possesses none of the skills needed on a desert island. (But as my best friend, I think I'll keep him anyway.)
  • Of course, the go-to man on any desert island should be my dad. This guy would build us a ridiculously sturdy hut, craft a boat out of a log, and kill anything that moves in the name of dinner or protection.
Stepping away from the blood relatives, the one person I'd really like with me on a desert island is my friend and co-worker Gale. Gale has a number of wonderful qualities that would contribute to the well-being of those of us on this island:
  1. Gale is kind and good-natured. All the time. It's almost ridiculous how good-natured she is. 
  2. Gale never says a negative thing about another human being. This means she's no fun to gossip with, but it would definitely be a plus to have her around when the rest of us are ready to cannibalize each other.
  3. Gale is very motherly, but in a nice way. The only time she nags me is when I cut my hair short and when I fail to re-pot my office plants in a timely manner. Otherwise, her maternal instinct has her making sure you're taking care of yourself and not overdoing it.
  4. Gale is committed. She does what she says she's going to do without complaint. She personifies dedication. Heck, she's been with Judson Press for 25+ years now. Or is it 30+?
  5. Gale is calm. No matter how much is thrown at her, I've never seen Gale lose her cool. Frankly, it's a bit unnatural, but again, a good thing when you're stuck on an island.
  6. Gale is genuinely committed to her faith. You know without having to ask that she is praying for you. And the fact that she regularly fasts means that she wouldn't need as much food as the rest of us. 
I'm bestowing upon Gale the honorary title of Freakin' Angel, and I'm inviting her to my desert island.

Beside family, who would you want with you on your island?


    Cheryl said...

    I'd take Peter, my husband and Archie (not technically a person, but our faithful Golden Retriever).

    I know I should say our four children, but maybe like you they could alternate off and on the island, for the same reasons you stated above. I have several girlfriends who I love being with, but wonder if an extended period of time would be too much estrogen for Peter.

    Will there be wifi or cell service? If so, I could still stay connected via Twitter or Facebook. ;)

    Fun thought for a Friday.

    Anonymous said...

    From Jennifer - I would take my favorite graphic designer, who is not only fun and witty with a great observational sense of humor, but also brimming with common sense. A rare, rare combination. She would keep me entertained while solving problems ingeniously.

    RevBecca said...

    Three cheers for Gale! Excellent choice, no question about it.