After Tuesday's post, let's keep it light today with a new edition of Random Musings.
- Why do people buy the super cheap toilet paper when it just requires you to use 5x as much to wipe? Even I buy decent toilet paper, and that's saying something.
- Speaking of bathrooms, in your office restroom, do you wait in the stall until everyone else has left? Because, yikes!, what if they heard you? These are the same people who flush while they're going because their bodily noises are so much different from the rest of ours.
- One more bathroom-related thought: Despite hand soap having been in liquid or foaming form for years, I still wet my hands first. I have no idea whether this is necessary.
- It can be difficult to get your husband's attention at times. One surefire way to get him to speak to you is to reduce the number of sports channels you get in your cable package. Of course, there's no guarantee you're going to like what he says.
- Don't you love bite-size candy? Did you know bite-size is industry lingo for "they'll eat lots more this way?"
- Why do we still sign credit card slips? Is someone actually looking at them?
- Buffets are a bad idea for
cheap frugal people. We They overeat just to get our their money's worth.
- Is there a rule regarding how many days or weeks have to pass before you can wear the same outfit to school or work again?
- I love that boots are so popular. My mismatched socks have been given new life.
- I don't mind looking unpresentable when going out in public in the area where I currently live, but I wouldn't be caught dead looking that way when I'm out in public in my hometown. You just don't want the people who knew you 25 years ago to think you've fallen apart. The people who know you now assume you've always looked that way.
Finally, I leave you with two bonus musings with a Christmas theme:
- Please don't put a to-from sticker on the gift bag you're using for my present (subliminal message). You realize I want to reuse that bag, right? I'm running dangerously low, and may be forced to purchase some. Gasp!
- If the gift you're giving requires batteries, for God's sake include them! The same applies to the necessary items for juicers (fruit), journals (a nice pen), and televisions (a year's worth of cable television).
Now it's time for you to log off and mail me a check for the Silvertones Twelfth Night Revelry on Jan. 12. Don't miss it!
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