When I commented on Facebook that I was dealing with blogger's block, a friend suggested I write about health care reform. That's when today's shoulding started.
Man, I should know more about this whole health care reform thing. I should really care more about what's happening politically in the country. I should be able to share my opinion on important topics like this.Because I care way too much what others think, I "should" a lot:
- I should like opera. It's dignified to like opera.
- I should watch old movies. It's cultured to appreciate the classics instead of the chick flicks I prefer.
- I should eat sushi and international foods. It's classier than my usual burgers and beer.
- I should enjoy visiting art museums. Educated people go to art museums.
- I should go to Bible study. Good Christians go to Bible study.
- I should play tennis or golf or run in a marathon. Those are more sociable activities than kicking people in the head.
Are there any other should-ers out there? We should probably start a support group!
you're right, you should go to Bible study. (But only because then we can go out for drinks afterwards!)
I'm in starting next month!
I should like old movies--but I hate the stilted dialog and acting!
I should read more "real" literature--but the narrative writing wasn't nearly as fully developed as fiction today (too much "telling," not enough "showing" and realistic dialog)!
I should be more adventurous in my eating, but I like what I like and hate to try something new that I'll hate when I could get something familiar I know I'll love!
I should do what I tell my kids to do: turn off the screen and get more exercise--but my job keeps me in front of the screen and in my rare free time, I want to read or watch a good story!
I should have more Oscar noms, and the Godfather and original Star Trek movies in my DVD collection--but I much prefer romantic comedies with reliably happy endings!
I should spend more time working and less time reading the Freakin' Angels blog--but I never claimed to be an angel!
Rebecca, this is why we're such good friends!
You really should only do the things that will make you happier or healthier-- or have the potential to. Will opera make you happy? I bet the old movies might. Maybe the sushi (Im a fan) Otherwise, you should give yourself a break. (But Ill join the club)
Just bc "it's dignified" to like opera doesn't mean {that it actually is} you should. Pesonally, I do. There are many many other angels out there who think opera is boring and just don't understand. I like the ballet, too..oh, and choirs. I don't care what they're singing, I get chills. I saw a ballet performance recently of Carmen Burana...that was like a triple threat. Operatic choir/soloists and a ballet performance. Truly moving. But hey, that's me.
I grew up watching movies that were made before the 60s. I love em. To this day I'd still rather watch Betty Grable, Rogers and Astaire, Ms. Monroe, Mae West{!}, Carmen Miranda, Doris Day, etc., etc. over any actress today {ok, except Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway <3 }. I think they're the ultimate chick flicks. All that cheesey romance and dancing/singing, Yes! You can't tell me Brigadoon didn't tug at your heart strings a lil bit.
Beer IS international. As far as sushi is concerned, lets do it! I can take you to 3 different Japanese restaurants downtown and you'll love every one of them. I say we make a dinner date to drink warm saki and try various types of sushi {raw fish}, sashimi {raw fish on rice}, and sushi rolls {raw fish, rice, and other flavors rolled in seaweed, etc}.
The Art Museum is so cool. I can see how it could be boring though. Just walking around, looking at paintings. Do you like the Franklin Inst.? It's more interactive and educational, lol.
Golf? Why? Talk about boring! Karate is very sociable, interactive, and, not to mention, fun to watch. Karate requires and strengthens, not only, your physical self but your mental self as well. Not many other sports can say that. Besides, you encounter more folks in your Karate class than you would on the tennis court or golf green. Tennis is aright, but Raquetball is where it's at!
Ok, I'm done. Sorry for the novel. See you in class!
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