I learned several things on my hike:
- Having a 2nd degree black belt doesn't mean crap when it comes to hiking (unless someone would have needed me to break through a piece of wood)
- I'm not nearly in the physical condition I thought I was
- I'm not afraid of snakes, even timber rattlesnakes
- Having your period while hiking especially sucks (TMI guys?)
- Every group has to have one annoying person in it
- I think all frogs are cute
- Hiking in a downpour isn't as bad as you would think if you're already soaked with sweat
- You should always bring a change of clothes in case of said downpour
- Either my bandana or my hair color bleeds in the rain (I ended up with some Native American looking black stripes down the side of my face)
- Everything is tolerable when there's pie at the end

- Fruits of the Forest pie
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream pie
- Warm Apple pie
- Pop quiz in school. Ugh. But hey, when you're done, there's pie!
- Significant other breaks up with you. Bummer. But he/she brought pie!
- Laid off from work. Pink slip plus pie!
- Black belt test made you vomit? Here's pie!
- You need a root canal. But the insurance pays for pie!
- You've just moved up a dress size? Bet you have more room in your jeans, skirt, pants, etc. for pie!
The possibilities for pie are limitless. Who knows, perhaps world peace is just a piece away!
I'll I can say for certain is that the next time I have an opportunity to go hiking, I'll ask myself one simple question: (wait for it...)
Will there be pie?
New bumper sticker...."Got Pie?"
Awesome post, Kim! (I'm a TerraMar guide, but didn't go on this hike, although I wish I had!) Thanks for writing about it, and glad you enjoyed it. We posted this blog on our twitter account, http://twitter.com/terramaradv!
Hey, thanks Katie! It was a great time and I highly recommend TerraMar Adventures.
Love it -- I remember as a child I would have to compete at gymnastics meets that lasted all day. We werent allowed to eat during the competition for obvious reasons so when it was all over, I was STARVING. This is how I became fond of hoagies (that's subs for you non - PA folks). The parent run concession always had hoagies. I think your hunger factor definitely helps the food taste better. But -- I dont think I have ever had bad pie. Great post - great idea. Bring on the pie.
You'll know you're in trouble when your significant other or boss says, "we need to talk" and he or she is holding pie.
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