The bad news is that getting older is bothering me more than I thought it would. The good news is that I've learned a lot in the past 40+ years, including:
Liking my kids feels even better than loving them.
- You can't go wrong if you marry your best friend.
- It's nearly impossible to be unhappy at the shore.
- Riding rollercoasters and jumping ocean waves will keep you from getting old.
- The harder you laugh, the better you feel.
- Movies should be an interactive experience.
- It's not all about me. (I'm still adjusting to this one.)
- Seeing dolphins at the shore or a deer in my backyard is always a special occasion.
- True friends love you even when the Funkapotomus has been visiting for an extended period.
- I am a lousy dog owner.
- Some people should never have to "do math" and I am one of them.
- My ability to be sociable generally has a time limit so if I go to bed while you're still at my party don't take it personally.
- Fresh bed sheets are one of life's greatest pleasures.
- Books are one of life's greatest treasures.
- When I think of the youth and young adults I know, I believe the future is in very good hands.
- I'd rather exchange life stories than make idle chitchat.
- There are very few truly important issues that can be seen in black & white.
- Properly loading a dishwasher is a lost art and one that few men ever discover.
- A girl's girlfriends are one of life's greatest gifts.
- Jesus loves me.
- Even really intelligent children are incapable of throwing out their trash, replacing the toilet paper roll, and putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
- A perfect weekend includes dinner with friends, a good book, a movie, and time spent working in the yard.
- Put stuff on your to do list that you've already done. You'll feel better.
- Bras and panty hose should be banned.
- Out of every three calls to 911, only one is justifed.
- Fountain cokes, pork roll, mini-powdered donuts, and soft pretzels make a balanced meal.
- Someone needs to cheer, hoot, and hollar at children's sporting events. I find it's usually me.
- Speaking of children's sporting events, they shouldn't get trophies for just showing up.
- Some things are worth the money, like movie theater popcorn, hardcover classics, and school trips to Italy.
- It's a blessing to work for an organization where people prayer for each other.
- Regardless of how great your legs are, women of a certain age should not wear mini-skirts, especially when serving communion in church.
- Some of the nicest people I've ever met look like people you would cross the street to avoid.
- Strong is the new skinny. And I'm stronger than I ever imagined.
- When your dad does everything for you, you never learn how to do stuff yourself.
- My Pop Pop was right when he said putting on lipstick and singing (not necessarily at the same time) will make you feel better.
- We can't make our kids be who we want them to be, but if we give them room to grow they will find their place in this world.
- Different friends have different strengths. Some encourage you to do great things. Some give great hugs. The truly amazing can do both.
- We have had (ands still have) angels among us.
- Blogging is a lot more fun when people leave comments (hint, hint).
- Maintaining ones sanity requires getting away from it all
as often as possibleoccasionally And it's okay if "all" includes your spouse and children once in a while. - Never have I regretted going to the gym. I nearly always regret drinking a milkshake.
- I still have 20+ years until retirement.
- Everyone should be on Facebook just for the warm fuzzies you get when dozens of people wish you a happy birthday.
I agree wholeheartedly with #31 and worry that #32 has something to do with you and me, as for #13 you are spot-on. If linens have had a day in sun and breezes on the line sleep will be as refreshing as a slow boat ride down a lazy river.
I must say I did the boycott for bras and panty hose over 40 years ago (it was the 70s).
As I sit here in my early 60s I shall posit this one for you. I believe blessed and true friendships happen even in grad school that lasts one year. Time and miles never truly can stop the appreciation for having had a good person touch your life. So I wish you, my dear smart, honest, impulsive friend, a happy birthday.
Great list!! And impressive only because I know you whipped those up in probably the space of 30 minutes -- or less? Interesting thing is that each one has an implication of some sort so reminding yourself of all these "truths" is a great exercise. Might try it for 44 Happy Birthday my dear friend!
Love this Kim. I learned so much about you in just that short list of 43. Hope to find out a lot more on Saturday. :)
Happy Birthday!
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