In 1961, then FCC chairman Newton Minow delivered what became known as the Wasteland Speech. Here's a portion of it:
"When television is good, nothing — not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers — nothing is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite each of you to sit down in front of your own television set when your station goes on the air and stay there, for a day, without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland."Ah, Minow must be aghast at the current condition of our multitude of viewing channels (none of which ever "signs off," of course). The vast wasteland has become vaster and more full of garbage.
Lest I appear to be a cultural snob, I have nothing against television and have enjoyed my fair share of it over the years. Unfortunately, however, there is less and less to enjoy. The witty sitcoms and engrossing dramas of ten or fifteen years ago have been replaced by a plethora of reality shows which give every knucklehead their five minutes of fame. The best shows are on stations most of us have to pay extra to receive (on top of already staggering basic cable bills). But alas, I digress. This wasn't supposed to be a critical essay on the state of television in 2010. This is supposed to be my incredibly biased, completely one-sided, and extemely limited review of what's been worth watching this year:
- Glee. Big surprise here, I'm a full-fledged Gleek. Singing, dancing, teenage angst, witty banter, sarcastic exchanges, and often surprisingly poignant lessons...what's not to love?
- Phillies games. I know many people consider watching baseball on television about as exciting as watching paint dry. I happen to enjoy it. Especially when they're winning.
- Two and a Half Men. As much as I've enjoyed this sitcom over the past few years, it's really pushing the boundaries of good taste. Still, it's generally laugh out loud, "Honey, did you hear that??" funny.
- Antiques Roadshow. It makes me want to start shopping garage sales in the hopes of finding a lost treasure. Hey, it could happen. Have you seen their currently airing "best of" episode? It's ridiculous the stuff people end up with.
- Project Runway. Cattiness and Heidi Klum and her super short skirts aside, I do have to admit an affinity for this show. It's also fun to watch with Abby which isn't the case for the other shows on my list.

Phineas & Ferb. I don't watch as many kids shows as I used to, but when I'm trapped with no other option (say in a hotel room with my children), this is my go to program. I also think Spencer, played by Jerry Trainor on iCarly, is a terrific comedian who deserves an adult program on which to demonstrate his talents.
And finally, I have a confession to make. America's Next Top Model is one of my guilty pleasures, like movie theater popcorn but without the calories or butter stains on my clothes. Unlike a man who will claim he looks at Playboy for the articles, I can admit that I watch ANTM for the pictures. I will fast forward through the models' generally vapid conversations and get to the part where they throw on the makeup, do their hair, put on the clothes and take the pictures. I never cease to be amazed at how women who probably wouldn't turn heads on the street can come out looking like that. Amazing.
Well, that's all for today, folks. Thus far not one of you has left a comment on either of my Entertainment Year-in-Review posts, so perhaps I can guilt you into sharing with us your favorite television programs of 2010?
Pawn Stars!!! Our whole family loves to watch this together. Aside from the generous bleeping, we learn things and laugh out loud. It's especially great when Hope tells her teacher we all watch it together. Her 9-year-old accent suggests a show with entirely different subject matter...
Phineas & Ferb is the best!
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