"I hate this blog now. Some things should be kept private. You might be embarrassing him and hurting his feelings." --signed, A very angry son

I don't know if Ian left that comment or not. It's not really his writing style, and when I returned home from work he was his funny and happy self. I had no sense that he was angry with me. But then again, Ian's kind; he may have felt that he made his point with his comment and let it go at that.
When I write about my family, or anyone for that matter, I tease, use sarcasm, and find humor in life's everyday details. I try to write about situations and scenarios that most everyone can identify with, figuring we can all appreciate being together in this often maddening thing called life. I hope it goes without saying that NEVER do I intend to hurt, ridicule, or insult. I am guilty of the self-centered belief that because my life is an open book and self-depracating humor is my thing, others are willing to put themselves out there as well. Clearly, that is not the case.
Ian, Rob, Abby, and anyone else I have offended personally, I apologize. It was never my intent to cause you embarrassment or discomfort. I will try to never do that again.
Of course, this means I'll probably have to quit blogging because I've just eliminated 75% of my writing material...
I love your tender heart and transparency! And I hope and pray that your family knows how this blog has caused total strangers to fall in love with all of them!
Kim I don't comment that often, I hope that the comment from yesterday really was not from your son, and that he really was not hurt by your post. (I didn't think there was anything awful in the post actually)
I hope you keep blogging - I find it as therapeutic to read as I am guessing you find it to write. ;-)
Perhaps you simply hit a nerve.
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