- Wait for a snowy morning. Snow does not have to be particularly deep. An inch or two will suffice. Ideally snow should still be falling at a rapid rate.
- Take shower. Wash hair. Do not dry hair.
- Put on threadbare socks and ankle high LL Bean boots.
- Have child wear sneakers, no gloves, no hat.
- Wait till last possible moment to jump in snow-covered mini-van to take daughter to school for 8:00 a.m. orchestra rehearsal.
- Bring dog along for ride. Don't bother with leash.
- Leave cell phone at home because you're running late and don't have time to go back for it.
- Take side road daughter suggests so you don't run risk of waiting at train crossing, thereby causing her to be late for practice.
- On side road, come to a complete stop at small incline while waiting for traffic to clear to make left turn.
- Discover you have no traction whatsoever and put car in reverse to slide sideways to side of road.
- Repeat.
- Try to use small ribbon found in car as leash for dog. Lose leash; lose dog.
- Capture dog. Stick in van. Turn on flashers. Open window a crack for air. Lock doors.
- Start walking daughter to school on busiest road in town, facing into snow.
- Consider putting out thumb and hitching a ride.
- One block to school, see neighbor who offers ride back to van. Ditch daughter for remainder of walk. Hope she makes it okay.

- After showering, do not get dressed. Put pajamas back on, skip bra, and wear fuzzy slippers.
- Put the cat in the car as well as the dog.
- Pour salt in gaping blister when you return home.
This blog post has been brought to you by Subaru.
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