The Pissedoffapotomus.
Anger really isn't my thing. I get irritated when no one helps me around the house, but generally I'm either sad or happy. Very little in between. One day last week, however, everything seemed to tick me off. I decided that rather than fight it, I would embrace the Pissedoffapotomus and enjoy being angry for a change. In keeping with the "10 Random Thoughts" theme of my last post, here are:
10 Random Things People Do or Say that Tick Me Off
- Think the rules don't apply to you.
- Put me in charge of a project and then tell me how to get it done.
- Put me on a guilt trip.
- Offer "constructive" criticism I didn't ask for (and you're not my parents or my boss).
- Suggest I relax, chill out, or simmer down.
- Promise you'll take care of something and then don't.
- Have a response for everything everyone says regardless of whether you have a clue what you're talking about.
- Disagree about the name of the neighbor's dog (or something else of absolutely no consequence) and actually turn it into an argument.
- Never have anything good to say about anyone or anything.
You're dead wrong about the neighbor's dog. The rest of it, I was too wonderful and talented to spend my time reading it.
I don't like any of them.
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